Alpha Gamers offers exclusive token-gated access and immersive multiplayer gaming, keeping your community active in any market.

Using advanced NFT technology, we ensure a secure, brand-safe environment for verified holders and investors. Say goodbye to FUD and hello to a vibrant, engaged community with Alpha Gamers.


Alpha Gamers is an NFT project on the Stargaze Marketplace, built on the Cosmos Blockchain. The projects core objective is to develop FPS and strategy games for NFT projects and generate revenues through access.

All games will be Web3 interoperable, ensuring only holders from partisipating projects can access and play.

Once an established userbase has been created the model will be replicated on other marketplaces, both on Cosmos and polygon blockchains.

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Rewarding Gameplay

Dive into our FPS game where you can create clans, earn rewards with project tokens, and schedule battles against other clans. Alpha Gamers will host cross-project tournaments, offering prize money to the winning clans.

Future development will see clans battling across blockchains, ensuring interoperability between blockchains, projects, and tokens. Get ready for the ultimate holder gaming experience!

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Contact us

Feel free to drop us an email. We are always happy to help and collaborate with other projects. 

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